My top 10 website recommendations

Here are my top 10 online resources for people preparing for birth

1. Evidence Based Birth.

Evidence Based Birth is an online childbirth resource that informs, empowers and inspires expecting parents and birth-care practitioners globally, to understand the latest, proven, evidence based care practices. Visit the Evidence Based Birth website



AIMS is the association for improvements in maternity services. They ‘support maternity service users to navigate the NHS system and campaign for a system which truly meets the needs of all.’ A great resource if you need any help or guidance surrounding your rights in childbirth. Visit the AIMS website 



An absolute must-visit for help and guidance surrounding all things positioning. You’ll find loads of advice, guidance, practical tips and exercises to help you and your baby in pregnancy and labour. Visit


4. KGH

The home of Katherine Graves Hypnobirthing. Visit for further information on KGH as well as further resources. Visit the KGH website 


5. Birth Rights 

This is a great resource if you need any help or guidance surrounding your rights in childbirth. They provide advice and legal information to women and birthing people, as well as train healthcare professionals and campaign to change maternity policy and systems. They campaigned tirelessly throughout the Covid 19 pandemic to help birthing people get the support and care they needed. Visit


6. Dr Sarah Wickham 

Dr Sarah Wickham is a Midwife, author, researcher and speaker, a fountain of knowledge when it comes to birth and midwifery. She has written multiple books on different topics surrounding childbirth. Her book ‘Inducing labour’ is a really helpful body of work for any parents who are considering an induction. Her website is full of really useful articles and resources. Visit the Dr Sarah Wickham website 


7.  Positive birth stories. Birth-ed

If there’s one thing that I could ask all birthing people to do, it would be to devour as many positive birth stories as humanly possible! Read, listen, watch as many as you can. It’s so important to start to try and think positively about birth! A good place to start is the birth-ed hub, where there is a section dedicated to birth stories. Visit the birth-ed positive story library. 


8. The Positive Birth Company Youtube channel

Here you’ll find lots of really helpful video content, from how to breathe during labour to nutrition in pregnancy. All the content is completely free too! All the videos are super short and easy to follow. Visit the PBC Youtube channel 


9.  The Positive Birth movement

I always recommend ‘The Positive Birth Book’ to friends as clients, as a good place to start if you’re pregnant and are looking to prepare yourself for birth. The Positive Birth Movement is an online hub which promotes positive birth experiences and provides a wealth of information as well as a thorough directory to sign-post you to various birthing resources. Visit the Positive Birth Movement


10. Homebirth Support Group UK 

For anyone planning a homebirth, the Homebirth Support group on Facebook is such a valuable resource and support. You’ll be able to find advice, signposts to further information, experience from other mums and lots of positive homebirth stories. I would really recommend joining this group if you’re looking to birth at home. Join the Homebirth Support Group UK 

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