1. Is hypnobirthing only for certain types of births?
Hypnobirthing tools enable women to feel calm, confident and in control and is suitable for every kind of birth- whether that’s a water birth in your living room, an induction with an epidural or a C-section.
2. Can I use drugs with hypnobirthing?
Yes of course, hypnobirthing is suitable for all types of birth, from a natural drug free birth to an elective caesarean. However you choose to birth or whatever happens on the day, hypnobirthing will prepare you to be in control of your body and your birth.
3. When should I start the course?
It’s never too early or too late to start the course. Generally, I work with women between 20-30 weeks of pregnancy. The longer you have to practice the techniques the better, but equally, even if you are late on in your pregnancy, an understanding of hypnobirthing could still change everything, after all, a bit of preparation is better than no preparation at all!
4. Can my partner do the course with me?
Yes, definitely! Your birth partner is able to play an integral role throughout your pregnancy and birth, so we welcome birth partners with open arms! My husband Matt would be more than happy to answer any questions from any sceptic soon-to-be Fathers if you have any questions. Matt was once a sceptic about Hypnobirthing, but I’m happy to say he is a complete convert now!
5. What are the benefits of hypnobirthing?
Current research shows that women who prepare for labour through the practice of hypnobirthing experience overall shorter labours, with less intervention and reach for less pharmacological methods of pain relief,” says Rossiter. “That’s not to say the hypnobirthing can’t still be incredibly effective for women who choose to use epidurals or accept medical intervention. Hypnobirthing tools enable women to feel calm, confident and in control throughout their birth.